On 28th April 2021, ABC News reported a case that Mr Ryder successfully sold his home in Brisbane for a price much higher than all agents’ estimates (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-04-28/-selling-property-without-a-real-estate-agent/100098994).

Mr Ryder prepared the sale by improving the presentation of his home and spending some time understanding the sales process. He then chose a good timing to put the property on the market. The self-managed campaign was flooded with offers. He ended up selling it for a price 18 per cent higher than the highest estimate of one of the agents who provided him with a property value.

Mr Ryder’s story is only one of the thousands of examples each year. The reason for his success is that he has adopted the right process to sell. He has improved the presentation, produced genuine marketing content, chose the right timing to go on the market and interacted with buyers well. On the other hand, most of the properties in Australia are still sold through agents. The biggest single reason might be that property owners are probably not confident enough to take on the process.

Nowadays, the tools and resources that property owners can access to sell themselves are much more than they think. They have changed the sales process and the role each party plays during the process. For instance, the digital marketing strategy outweighs an agency’s database. The value of a property can be estimated much more easily due to the abundant data available. The negotiation process (auction is one type of negotiation) is more routinised. That is why we see more agents are just following the procedure to sell a property.

Easy Sell has developed the tools and resources for property owners to sell by themselves. In many areas, these tools outperform human agents. Easy Sell sale process is made comfortable for property owners to use. They get more with much less expense. Easy Sell gives sellers the confidence to sell. (Contact Us)