Based on the valuable feedback from our clients, we have upgraded our offer management system. The key functions include:
- Make multiple offers online. The tool is designed for buyers with no experience in writing a legitimate offer. The tool allows different types of buyers, i.e. a person or a company, to fill out the Contract of Sale thoroughly, and then sign it online.
- Sign the Section 32 online. Section 32 is known as the Vendor Statement, which needs to be signed by vendor(s) before buyers make an offer.
- Review and manage the offers. This is designed for vendors to review the offers and interact with buyers. The vendor can accept, decline, negotiate or make a counteroffer.
- Sign any legal documents online. This is designed for a vendor to sign any document digitally.
- Enhanced security. The documents can only be accessed by parties with the access right.
We will continue to enhance our offer management system to improve transaction efficiency.